Yield: 700g/one 30cm-round focaccia. For a sheet pan of 30x40cm, double the recipe.
15g Potato Flakes
35g Finely-ground Corn Flour (toasted, ideally)
100g Boiling Water
150g All-purpose Flour
100g Juice/water from yellow cherry tomatoes
50g Water
1g Fresh Yeast / .3g Instant Dry Yeast (i.e. a tiny pinch)
Final Mix
150g All-purpose Flour
50g Semola Rimacinata (if you can't find this, just use additional AP Flour)
50g Juice/water from yellow cherry tomatoes
6g Fresh Yeast (2g Instant Dry / a scant teaspoon)
2g Barley Malt Powder or Syrup (optional)
8g Salt
20g Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- In a small bowl, mix together the ingredients for the porridge, cover and allow to cool completely.
- Make the poolish: in another (tall, ideally transparent) container, mix together the tomato juice, water and yeast. Then add the flour and continue mixing until all the flour is incorporated. Allow it to ferment overnight at cool room temperature (about 12 hours). It should double to triple in size in this period. When it is full of bubbles and has begun to recede from its highest point, it's ready to use.
- Then, in a large bowl or stand mixer, mix together the poolish, the remaining tomato juice, the yeast, the malt (if using), and the flours. Once everything is combined, add the remaining ingredients one at a time, mixing until fully absorbed: first the porridge, then the salt, and finally, the oil (a little at a time).
- Continue mixing until the dough is smooth and supple, then transfer to a well-floured work surface, form the dough into a rough rectangle, and and fold it in thirds like a letter. Dust the top with flour and cover with a towel.
- After 30 minutes, fold the dough in thirds again. Repeat one more time.
- After you've given the dough three folds in total, allow it to rest, covered, for an hour.
- Generously oil a 12-inch round pan (or, if you're making a double recipe, a 30x40cm half-sheet pan) and put the dough in the center. Without forcing it too much, try to stretch the dough to fill more of the pan. Cover and continue stretching to almost the edge of the pan after about 15-30 minutes (once the dough has relaxed).
- Allow to rise for about 2 hours total. Roughly 20 minutes before baking, drizzle olive oil on top, and dimple the dough delicately with your fingertips, without deflating or tearing. Sprinkle with surface with salt and cook at 475F for roughly 15 minutes, until golden brown.
- As soon as you remove it from the oven, brush the surface again with oil, remove from the pan and place over a cooling rack for at least 15 minutes before serving.
- If you'd like, it can be served with a dusting of sweet paprika and toasted, salted corn flour.